the village of Iltsi

The plot is 0.3 hectares

the village of Iltsi


The plot is 0.3 hectares the village of Iltsi

Sale of a plot in the Carpathians in the village of Iltsi, in the Verkhovyna Region

Designation of the site for construction

Location: Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Located 150 meters from the asphalt road, this is the first entrance to the site and it is steeper.

And there is another race, which is gentler but a little longer in distance.

You can enter by car from two entrances, at any time of the year!

In the village of Iltsi there is a ski lift that works when there is snow

This area is great for construction because it has a flat topography!

It is about 2.5 meters above the river level, so there can be no flooding

In the Carpathians, areas located near the river are highly valued by people.

Therefore, prices for a cozy and flat plot near the river can reach $2,000 per hectare and higher!

I suggest this site for review as a priority in choosing land in the Carpathians!

Call, write and come for viewing!

The price is $60,000

Plot photos:
Need a consultation?
Leave your details, we will contact you soon and answer all questions
Stages of purchase:
We will show you the areas on our car
We show the earth
Сheck the documents of the seller
And prepare all the documents of the seller
We draw up an agreement
Support of registration of the agreement at the notary
Let's build a house
We help with choosing a contractor to build a house


We have been working for more than 6 years!
Carpathians Dream LLC 3147802955