the village of Krasnyk

Land plot of 0,43 hectares in the village of Krasnyk $28000

There are no neighbors nearby. Incredible landscape of 240 degrees on Mount Pip Ivan and the village of Krasnyk.

Land for sale in the village of Krasnyk, Verkhovyna district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Area: 0,43 hectares. Appointment-under of agricultural land. The plot has a small slope, without trees.

The road is paved, to the asphalt - 1 km. At the bottom of the site flows a river. You can dig a well and conduct light, because the electricity poles are 100 m away. There are no neighbors nearby. Incredible landscape of 240 degrees on Mount Pip Ivan and the village of Krasnyk.

Price for the hundredth $28000.

Karpaty Dream sells cottages in the forests of the Carpathians. After all, for twenty years, we have been helping those who have chosen our company, customers to buy the best of the best land in the mountains of Western Ukraine. In the last 10 years, a large number of families whose employment is related to work on the Internet have moved to our region. Other people are re-registering their land in the Carpathians, leaving the hustle and bustle of noisy cities. Another category of ready to buy customers - to invest and expand tourist business plans in the Carpathians, or the construction of cottages in the woods, with resale, because it is very profitable in our time, as people willing to buy ready-made and modern construction more options to purchase land in the Carpathians. This speaks and leads to the fact that the Carpathian region is taking on a different look, given the changing situation in the world. We are ready to consider your request for a plot of land or a cottage in the Carpathians and make a selection of noteworthy proposals. Write and we are waiting for you to visit, our task is to save your time and €.

We are located in the village. Kryvopillya, 88 Kryva Street, Verkhovyna District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region

We work without days off and breaks!

+38 098 244 244 7
0 800 216 244
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