Frame houses
The number of needs for the construction of houses outside the city is growing every day. More often houses are built from a frame. This method is characterized by a high construction speed, but there are some nuances. Let's talk about the intricacies of the construction of frame houses in this article.
The positive aspects include:
not a big cost;
saving time;
saving resources.
The lightest weight of the house makes it possible to build on a "lightweight" foundation, that is, without the use of special tools and technical features. This feature provides coziness, comfort, as well as some ability not to cause allergies in a person when using certain materials.
The disadvantages include an increased risk of fire.
From all this, it can be seen that there are more positive aspects of this construction of the structure than disadvantages. Therefore, this type of construction of frame houses has a future.
Currently, one- and two-story construction of houses of the economy class series is becoming popular, the preference for choice is due to the affordable cost. The construction of frame structures using Canadian technology is the most profitable method of the existing ones.
Canadian technology is used in all frame constructions of economy class houses. This type makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of construction, time, labor costs. Such houses have a level of comfort and aesthetics because the technology is constantly improving.
For the construction of houses, wood is used, which is of high quality and harvested in compliance with all requirements and technologies. According to statistical studies, such a house must withstand a powerful earthquake. Frame houses have a 100-year service life, while construction using modern technologies takes several days.
This type of construction is available to everyone, and at the same time, you can build your own house without much money and physical costs.
Areas near the water are especially popular.
The construction of frame houses is carried out quickly and at a minimal cost. You can use a special construction technique to build both one-story and multi-story frame houses that meet all the requirements for strength, efficiency and comfort level. You can live in them in conditions of different climates, at temperatures of -30 and up to +30 degrees.
Previously, such houses were considered short-lived and dangerous, but now, more and more positive reviews are appearing, due to which the demand for them is increasing.
Necessary materials for building a house
To build a frame house, you must have the following equipment:
concrete mixer;
hammer and stuff.
Technological project
The project must meet all the requirements. There are a large number of technological projects on the Internet, from which you can choose one suitable one and modify it, check it out. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals. You also need to take into account all the nuances, or buy a ready-made plan.
Frame houses are lightweight, therefore they do not require a strong and expensive foundation. Such houses are erected on a pile-screw foundation. However, in the event that it is planned to make a cellar, the best option would be a strip foundation. For a 2-storey building, it should be 30 centimeters.
It is necessary:
1. Dig a trench 50 centimeters deep and 40 centimeters wide.
2. Install the formwork in it and at a distance of 1.50 meters and drill holes for piles, in which you can install fiberglass reinforcement or asbestos pipes.
3. Cover the bottom with sand within the range of 20 to 30 centimeters.
4. Lay the reinforcement, secured with wire, into the formwork.
5. It is advisable to pour concrete in the warm season. A small house needs about 12 cubic meters of concrete solution.
6. It is advisable to compact the concrete.
Then it should be fixed and dried within 7-10 days.
Ground floor
The foundation must be treated with a waterproofing solution, and then 2 layers of roofing material are applied on top. For flooring, edged boards with a thickness of 5 centimeters are used, which are placed on top of roofing material and form the basis of the floor frame.
For the screed, sheets treated with a special antifungal composition are used, which also protects against the development of mold. Installation of the transverse joist takes place with a pitch interval of 575.0 mm. Everything is fastened to self-tapping screws.
To make it convenient to work and give the floor rigidity, it must be sheathed with a concrete screed or floorboards, but they must be attached to each log.
Everything must be done in the warm season.
1st floor wall frame
After installing the floor, we proceed to the frame. To do this, we assemble the wall frame on the floor surface, and then install and fix the finished one. To do this, the walls should be assembled from boards with dimensions 50 by 150, and for supporting structures, connect 3 boards together, while the thickness will be 150 by 150 mm.
In the manufacture of window openings, it is necessary to strengthen the frame and attach 2-3 vertical boards. This mount will help protect against subsidence in the future.
Then you should start installing the partitions inside and make the installation of the main partitions. The main partitions are strengthened with boards and corners.
Construction of the 2nd floor and roof
The walls are assembled on the floor surface and then installed. But before that, the 1st floor must be sheathed with sheets that will give rigidity to the house. Then the construction and installation of the roof is carried out. The board should be the same size as for the frame, while you need to make a cut still on the surface, and then lift the rafters up and attach.
Having installed the rafters, lay a special film and crate on them. Attach roofing materials to the crate using up to 20 self-tapping screws. It is imperative to treat the coating carefully and not leave scratches. After the roof is erected, the walls, windows, doors are being finalized.
The greatest load falls on the window openings, which need to be strengthened, as well as to seal all the cracks not only in the windows, but also in the walls, and the flooring.
Wall insulation
Due to the fact that such houses have low thermal conductivity, a basalt slab 600 millimeters wide is used. This insulation is inserted inside the racks and closed. Then the film is laid from bottom to top and the crate is laid, on the surface of which the finishing material is fixed. Wall cladding can be carried out using chipboard, drywall.
For high-quality sound insulation, insulation is placed between the floors.
Frame monolithic construction
Now the best way to build multi-storey residential buildings, which includes two ways:
prefabricated monolithic.
Advantages of construction:
1. Large selection.
2. Low cost.
3. Speed.
Formwork is installed, which is reinforced with reinforcement, and then poured with a special solution. The walls are made of concrete. As it hardens, the formwork rises up. It is also possible to use permanent formwork, which will reduce construction time. Thanks to new technologies, any method can be used.