the village of Vipche

Plot in the village of Vipche

3 hectares $170,000

Plot in the village of Vipche 3 hectares

A plot of land for sale in the highest village in the Hutsul region - the village of Vipche, Verkhovyna district, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Area: 3 hectares. Consists of three plots of 1 hectare each. Appointment under OSG.

Located in a very cozy place and with direct access to the forest. The plot is well-groomed, there is both a flat part and a slight slope. Perennial and young fir trees grow; in the upper part it borders with forest.

You can connect the light because the electricity poles are nearby.

The site can only be accessed by SUV; there is a part where the road is unpaved. The asphalt is about 6 km away. The nearest neighbors are 200 meters away.

There is a fascinating landscape around, and from the extreme part of the site you can see

Montenegrin ridge.

The price for the entire plot is $170,000.

Our team is engaged in the sale of land in the Carpathian Mountains. For 20 years we have been helping our clients buy one of the best plots in the mountains of Western Ukraine. Many people whose activities are related to working on the Internet have already moved to our region.

The second clients buy land in the Carpathians, leaving the hustle and bustle of big cities. The third category of our buyers is for investing and developing tourism businesses in the Carpathians or building cottages in the mountains with their subsequent resale, which has been very profitable lately, because demand exceeds supply. It all comes down to the fact that the Carpathian region is developing, despite the various situations that are happening around.

We are ready to hear your request for a plot or house in the Carpathians and make a selection of options. Call and come, we will help save your time and money.

Plot photos:
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Stages of purchase:
We will show you the areas on our car
We show the earth
Сheck the documents of the seller
And prepare all the documents of the seller
We draw up an agreement
Support of registration of the agreement at the notary
Let's build a house
We help with choosing a contractor to build a house


We have been working for more than 6 years!
Carpathians Dream LLC 3147802955